Home Remodeling

Home Remodeling overview

Home Renovations Bring New Life to Your Home

The majority of the time, remodels in one or multiple different rooms is sufficient enough for our clients. However, sometimes a whole home remodel is necessary to achieve the results wanted. If this is the case, we can help you remodel your entire home or even just a whole floor.

An Old Home Transformed into a New One

When you do an entire home remodel, the possibilities are endless. There is nothing holding you back from choosing unique finishes or designs, because they won’t clash or contradict anything else in the house. Even though it is the same house on the outside, your home will be unrecognizable (in a great way) on the inside.

A Range of Possibilities

Entire home or entire floor remodels are a spectrum of touch up design work and completely gutting your house. No matter what you choose to do, knowing exactly what you want done and following through with that plan is key. We at Superior Design Builders revolutionize the process by not only designing and constructing for you, but involving you in every step of the way so that you feel a `part of the process.

The Cost of Entire Floor/Home Remodel

It’s almost impossible to even give a ratio for cost on such a thing as a whole home or entire floor remodel. There are too many factors that come into play, too much of a range with amount of rooms, low-end to high-end design choices, and more. You can get more information here with this Remodeling Calculator (https://www.remodelingcalculator.org/remodeling-costs/), though, which will give you an idea. We will do our best to beat any other prices around, because we understand that budget normally is a big factor. Please contact us here and we will show you the possibilities for the home you love.

Need a Home Renovation

Whether you have a fixer-upper to make your own, an investment property to renovate or if you just want to give your home an entirely new look - Give us a shout.

Indoor Construction Services List

Kitchen Remodeling
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Bathroom Remodeling
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Home Remodeling
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Basement Remodeling
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Our work is worth mentioning

People Are Talking

Thanks for providing impeccable work and service, I’ve never been happier than with Superior Design Builders. I will continue to spread the word!

Jenna Diller Chambersburg, PA

Every experience I have with you and this company continues to deepen my admiration and respect for Superior Design Builders. I not only walk away feeling better for the experience but end up with something beautiful in my house.

Timothy Russo Chambersburg, PA

We were impressed not only by the quality of the work you did but also by your honesty and integrity. That’s refreshing – Thanks so much!

Jamie Byrne Fayetteville, PA